Sunday 26 June 2016

Who's Laughing Now by Jessie J

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Who’s laughing now?
Jessie J
‘Thank you for the pain, it made me raise my game’
I love this song because it’s all about being able to triumph over those that bully you. Jessie J details some of the things that people said to her in school, and for all those that experience similar things, name calling and in some cases physical abuse during their school days, it’s a realisation that if she can do it, bypass the worst of the self doubt and achieve such high levels of success then why can’t they?
Kurt (Glee) fan video created by Silver Malfoy

Sunday 19 June 2016

Warm Bodies

Warm Bodies
Starring Nicholas Hoult, and Teresa Palmer
The official trailer Uploaded by Movieclips Trailers
It’s a zombie rom-com. I didn’t expect to ever write those words, but it’s basically the case. The plot is that in the not so distant future, there was an infection and people became zombies. R, the hero saves the life of a human girl and falls in love with her. She develops feelings for him too, and it’s that fact that helps R come back to the land of the living slowly.
Hoult plays R with a good deal of charm, despite the fact that R is barely able to speak. The writers use voiceovers to allow us to get to know who R is, something that was used to great effect in the novel which the film is based on.
The scene in which the pair first meet is an action scene, but I liked the way that the scene slows down, once R sees Julie for the first time. clip uploaded by weird seven, it’s shorthand for the juxtaposition of genres which obviously exists for the majority of the film.
Teresa Palmer also is excellent as Julie, particularly in this scene, understandably confused and afraid by R, while he struggles to show more of his human side, showing her compassion, and trying to reassure her, clip uploaded by Bluelighter Tv
There’s a lot of humour, like this scene where Julie and her best friend try to get R out of the human compound clip uploaded by Thelittlegirl. Hoult’s reactions make it even more amusing, but he’s matched by both of the two women.
It’s a charming and funny ode to the power of love ultimately, showing that love is capable of renewing even the farthest gone personality, clip uploaded by Swixx bat.
Some of the fan videos dedicated to the leads, and the film
Background song: Clarity created by Georgia Garrick
Background song: How to save a life created by Chris Anatolianowner
Background song: Numb created by Gochawan

Sunday 12 June 2016

Falling Slowly: Marketa Irglova and Glen Hansard

Falling Slowly
Marketa Irglova and Glen Hansard
The Once soundtrack
‘I don’t know you but I want you all the more for that’
I loved the film, it’s a sweet and realistic love story between two musicians who can’t ultimately be in a committed relationship, as the woman is already married and settled. The soft wistful tones of this song, are a great mirror to the themes of the film, and the two leads sound beautiful together.
I liked the lyrics, but the line highlighted above, is one that particularly struck a chord with me, and I hope to use the sentiment somewhere in the novel I’m working on.

Sunday 5 June 2016

Suspicious Minds: Elvis Presley

Suspicious Minds
Suspicious Minds
Elvis Presley
‘I’m caught in a trap, I can’t walk out because I love you too much’
I first heard the Fine Young Cannibals version, and liked it a lot, but I have to say that the way that Elvis performs it, is extraordinary, as is usual. Many people singing about the end of their relationship, because their partner doesn’t believe in them anymore would have made it a slow ballad, but the energy and speed that Elvis delivers the song makes it somehow fun and upbeat.