My Poetry

This is a place to showcase the poetry that I come up with. Some of it have been published, by minor publishers both here and in the United States. I write about anything that grabs me, usually focusing on the emotional aspect of things. 

I decided to challenge myself to try to write a rhyming poem. I had to write it from the point of view of someone in love with a girl.
This is one that I came up with:
Lying here in her arms
I feel content and proud
Proud that she will guard me against any wound
When I'm with her, it's the only time
I never feel anything but love
No doubt or fear, I don't pine
For times gone by, she fits me like a glove
And I get it now
Why my sister said that the right girl
Can make you want to grow
The instant I met her, I felt myself start to unfurl
She makes everything clear
Her smile lighting the dark night
No matter what the distance, near or far
I know that she'll always back me in the fight
Copyright Emily Morris 2016

Flyer produced for the Dukes Theatre, UK
Whispers in the Dark 

Standing in the shadows, high above the action
She watches, mesmerized by the effortless flow of words
Lights sparkle across the actors’ faces
Throwing every flicker of emotion into sharp relief
Laughter breaks over her, like a gentle wave
Rolling out from the crowd beneath her
Spiraling up to her safe spot
Shrouded in the cool darkness
She scribbles furiously, the notepad filling
As thoughts, emotions, and inspiration overcome her
Yet has to look away, as violence erupts
Before her eyes, the sound reverberating in the sudden quiet
Within seconds, the atmosphere’s changed
Turning from shock to amusement
Both actors swaddled in a mass of wool
Staring up at an imaginary television, humour in every line spoken

Copyright Emily Morris 2016


He never dreamed that he would meet her, watching her as she smiles
Her eyes sparkling with unrestrained love of life, bright white teeth exposed
He can’t help but smile back, the world stopping
He can’t see anything but her, crowds vanishing for those few seconds

She laughs, grabbing his hand
The touch of her warm skin, sending shivers through his system
In that moment, he knows without reservation that she’s the one
And he could quite happily spend his life with her

The citrus scent of her hair drifts on the summer breeze
Tantalising him as her curls are blown around her face
She ignores it, as she races for the sea
Dragging him along in her wake, urging him on

She’s always been driving him on, and he watches
Her dive into the murky black water only lit
with the glow of the moon
he has to stand back, his fear overwhelming him

She emerges from the deep,
unable to stay away from him for long
It’s always been that way
Like Gravity

Copyright Emily Morris 2016


She glides into the room
Every eye landing on her
Her bright clothes drawing attention
The silk swaying
Her eyes sparkle betraying none
Of the insecurity she carries

Copyright Emily Morris 2016


Shadows creep in
Give her confidence
Despite her nerves

She strides forward
Eyes fixed on the sandy coloured
Monster that has overlooked
The town since before she was born

The jagged edges
Of the remaining windows
Glint like teeth when the
Yellow gleam of the search lights hit

She swings one leg over
The stained ledge
Cringing as she brushes against
The ingrained grime marring the greyish white pain

Copyright Emily Morris 2016

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