My writing life

Hi, I'm Emily. I've been writing since I was a young child, but have lacked the drive to finish full books. My imagination runs away with me, and sends me down many different tracks, meaning that even when I've got a strong beginning for one book, I think of three or four different ones and begin those. Recently I have been more focused, thanks to the influence of a recently made friend and will be more structured in my approach in the future. I write nearly every day, mainly fiction but have recently been working on creating blog posts, both for myself and for local businesses. 

I have a book called 'Guardians of Time: Kids in America' for sale on Amazon, in the Kindle store. I will be working on another novella very soon, which will take in more time periods, and is tentatively called 'Guardians of Time: The Outsiders'

I have various social media links:

Musings of a thirty something woman: is a facebook page I manage for one of my blogs which has the same name.
Writer's Haven: a Facebook page that I manage for my website of the same name.
Mil's musings: A Tumblr blog that I run
@MILLYM1982 is my twitter handle.

Hope to hear from you soon!

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