Thursday 19 April 2018

Windrush and Theresa May

The scandal of the treatment of the Windrush generation coming to light has shocked me. It's a scary thought for the country at large, that our government is filled with people who are prepared to treat their law abiding citizens in such a manner, but on a personal level it makes me physically sick. 

I am the daughter of a man who came from Kingston, Jamaica in the 1960s. He was fourteen when he arrived, and his brothers and mother were also here. They came with hopes of a better life, but they were more than prepared to work at it, and strive to achieve the things that they wanted.

He has always been a productive member of the community, working first as a Methodist minister, and then as a Careers Adviser, until his retirement. His brothers also have consistently been in paid employment, one working at a airport in the Midlands, and his youngest brother being a highly respected member of local government in London. 

There obviously was a chance that one of them could have had their information destroyed in 2010, under Theresa May's direction. Thankfully they avoided that particular fate, but it's fairly safe to believe that a lot of the people who suffered the uncertainty about their immigration status were in similar jobs, and had put down solid roots within their communities, having families and social connections over their long residencies in the UK. 

The attempt by the Prime Minister to push the blame onto the Labour Government, claiming that the destruction of the documents was under their direction would be laughable, if it wasn't so dangerous. She doesn't seem to be able to take responsibility for negative actions, within her party, when it is in her control to stop them. 
I actually thought that she could be a good leader, but now I am not so sure. Her decision to launch the missiles in Syria without seeking agreement from other MP's and then this scandal coming to light don't leave me with a great respect for her decision making process. 

Thursday 5 April 2018

USA and North Korea

I'm more than a bit scared of the fact that Trump is going to be talking face to face with North Korea's leader. Neither of them project the most stable personality to the world, and there has been a distinct lack of tact displayed by Trump. Previous presidents had well informed and articulate people in their administrations, and still didn't manage to get a accord with the North Koreans, how on earth can Trump with his tendency to resort to playground taunts and nicknames?

Not to mention the fact that he has just fired Tillerson, who had been establishing connections over the course of the Trump presidency. How long will it take for the replacement to feel comfortable in the role? 

Trump isn't in the habit of hiring people with masses of experience for his cabinet either, so this very delicate meeting, when North Korea reportedly has the nuclear missiles capable of reaching the US mainland will most likely be in the hands of someone without training in international diplomacy.