Monday 31 October 2016

Steph and Dom Parker: Gogglebox

Steph and Dom Parker
“Must remember that when I next go to the Co-op.” – Steph after watching the clip from the Full Monty when they’re in the job centre queue. 
These two are hilarious on Gogglebox, and that’s saying something, considering how many endearing, humorous and insightful people are on the show. I like them, not only because they obviously can seriously drink, but their relationship seems to be quite sweet underneath that. It’s endearing that they always seem to be holding hands while watching the programmes, well the one that’s not holding their drink obviously.
All I keep thinking, every time they appear, is that I really want to visit their B and B, just to see if they’re really like they appear to be on the show, well that and the rooms they’ve shown seem to be really nice.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Kelly Kelly: WWE

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Kelly Kelly
Barbara Jean ‘Barbie’ Banks
I only discovered Kelly through a clip of one of her matches, with Maria Menounos, but she was impressive throughout the match, and I checked out a few more. She obviously had a similar ability to Neville, and the move when she spins her opponents round, with her legs around their necks, is memorable. Match uploaded by WWE.
However, it was the match when she was teamed with Edge, to defend his world heavyweight championship which I think was remarkable. She managed to defeat both members of Laycool and make sure that Edge kept his belt.  Match uploaded by TheCaptainMartin
She struck me as being a cheerful and sweet-natured girl, but one that didn’t allow anyone to take her for granted, or disregard her abilities. She competed for Edge’s Heavyweight belt, and the same episode included a conversation between the two when she told him what she really thought, a clip of Edge and Kelly’s conversation uploaded by trishandashleyfan1. She didn’t seem to have been very afraid of the superstars’ physical frames, given that she told Drew McIntyre off, after seeing him fighting another wrestler backstage, clip of Drew and Kelly’s conversation uploaded by WWE
I didn’t realise just how big a fan following she had on youtube but here are some of the videos dedicated to her
Background song: Kiss Me video created by Roselyn Abigail
Background song: something I need, video created by MasQueRade
Video created by CHEmovies
Some of her other matches 
Kelly Kelly and Beth Phoenix v Laycool uploaded by WWE
Big show and Kelly Kelly v Serena and Luke Gallows uploaded by WWE
Kelly Kelly v Tamina uploaded by WWE
Kelly Kelly and Gail Kim v Rosa Mendes and Alicia Fox uploaded by OHSOBARBIEvideos

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Jenny: Doctor Who

Doctor Who
Georgia Moffat
I found Moffat’s portrayal of Jenny, to be endearing and interesting pretty much from the first moment that she stepped out of the machine. There was something lovely about her enthusiasm and her misunderstanding of things. Moffat held her own against Tennant, in the scene when the Doctor talk about the Time Lords, something made even more impressive considering her relative lack of formal acting experience, well there were only a handful of credits to her name on her Wikipedia page anyway.
Another very touching scene between the pair, is when Jenny has changed enough to be his true daughter, self sacrificing just like her father. It was a little bit heartbreaking, uploaded by mizzharmonieeee
But the thing that I love most about Jenny, is the scene when she shows off her physical abilities, back flipping through lasers uploaded by  BBCWorldwide. I don’t think I’ve seen a companion do such a thing.

Fan videos dedicated to Jenny
Background song Christina Aguilera’s Fighter Uploaded by HumanDancerrOx
Background song: on my father’s wings, uploaded by AnonymousCatt

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Lyla Winston: Sons of Anarchy

Lyla Winston 
Sons of Anarchy
Winter Ave Zoll
She’s not a major character, her connection to the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle gang coming because she is tied to Opie, the best friend of the lead character. However even though she was only in a handful of episodes, I grew to really like her.
Yes, she’s a porn actress, who has a drug habit, but she’s also sweet natured, reliable, brings up her son on her own, takes on Opie’s children after they are orphaned during the fifth season. She fits in with the Sons, as she's another character that values family, and is remarkably loyal. Her loyalty to the club is possibly one of the reasons why Gemma takes to her. There's not much tension between those two characters, even in the early scenes featuring Lyla. 
There are many other qualities that are admirable within the character. She’s proud, determined to make her own money, and is capable of thinking of others despite being in extreme pain, she gets shot in the leg but asks about Chibs’ safety rather than complaining about her pain. I doubt that I would do the same in such a situation. 
I’m not the only one that likes the character, this tribute video was created for her Tribute video

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Mira: Spartacus



Katrina Law
This character was one of my favourites from early on in the show because she never let her feelings for Spartacus blind her, or let him get away with disrespecting her. She clearly had stronger feelings for him, than he had for her, given the fact that he still had strong feelings for his wife, and instead of staying in the relationship for convenience or protection, she had the strength to end the romance.
It was the first time that I had seen Law in a show, and I liked the physicality that she brought to Mira. Mira was initially a slave, and joined the rebellion, she was the reason that Spartacus and the other gladiators were able to get into the main body of the house. During the later seasons, Mira became more and more proficient with weaponry and was one of the most skilled archers within the camp.
Her loyalty and her strength of will are two qualities that I particularly like her. She displays her loyalty to Spartacus and to the rebels at large more than once.
The character was written to be believable, and seemed to me to be relatable even despite the fact that she was supposed to have inhabited a more brutal world, of 73BC, and suffered things that I thankfully have no first-hand experience of.
Fan videos
Background song: Take it all by Adele video created by axlegoddess
Background song: Skinny Love  video created by KRL2008
Background song: Shattered video created by eden2222

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Katarina Stratford: Ten things I hate about you

Katarina Stratford
10 Things I hate about you
Julia Stiles
‘Why should I live up to other people’s expectations instead of my own?’
The character is loosely based on Shakespeare’s character of the same name, from Taming of the Shrew, well sorry actually the film itself is based on the play. She’s a strong willed individual, standing out within her first scene, as she pulls up alongside a gang of stereotypically perky American teenage girls, in a battered vintage car listening to Joan Jett.
I related to her, because of her reluctance to conform, she doesn’t let the fact that her father, her teachers and her sister would like her to behave in a certain way, compromise what she wants for herself, and her own preferences. It was probably one of the first characters that I saw in a high school film, that I actually connected with on that level.
I loved her dry wit, and the fact that she will stand up for people that she cares for, the scene when Patrick’s in detention for singing to her on the football field, showing that particular quality, clip uploaded by Raphaella Grego. However, it’s the fact that she has the strength to be vulnerable emotionally, the scene when she reads her poem always touches me, due obviously to Stiles’ performance, clip uploaded by nalbi dat.
I found this great article on Buzzfeed which sums up several of the admirable qualities that Katarina possesses, entitled The Kat Stratford Guide To Being An Awesome Feminist.
Another article which expresses some of the reasons that I still really like this character, and use her as a template for my own strong female characters, is 10 reasons why Kat Stratford should still be your #1 hero.
Fan videos dedicated to the character
Background song: Misfit video created by mcflygaga
Background song: Bitch video created by Natália Tamaio

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Buffy Anne Summers: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy Summers: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy Anne Summers
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Buffy was a extraordinary character, written to want nothing more or less than everyone wants, just to have a normal high school experience when we first meet her. The emotional strength and selflessness which remains a strong part of her character is glimpsed throughout the first season, and is especially evident in the final episode, when she decides to face the Master. It’s Sarah Michelle Gellar’s delivery of the character, and handling of the scene when Buffy realises what Giles doesn’t want to tell her, which was the definitive moment for me. I admired the character before that, but that moment was when I truly empathized with her.
 She’s never written to be perfect or without negative qualities, which could have been the case in the hands of another writer. She’s obviously very physically strong, athletic, very pretty, with a quick wit and a kind heart, but she’s also just finding her way.
She makes missteps, and gets things wrong, just like we all do. The independence and determination to keep things neatly compartmentalised is what leads to the end of her romantic relationship with Riley. Although Buffy is essentially driven by her emotions, the break up with Angel, and the brief relationship with Parker seemed to make her more reserved, keeping Riley at arms’ length even during her mother’s initial illness.
The amount of things that Buffy was seen to deal with throughout the seven seasons, would have caused most to collapse, and Buffy did have phases when her duty was too much for her, most notably during the first season finale, third season premiere and fifth season finale, but she always picked up the burden. That level of responsibility and selflessness are definitely two traits to be admired.
There are loads of fan videos and fan sites dedicated to Buffy Summers, but this one seems to distill most of the reasons that she was and is a incredible character. Not just a remarkable female, or a fantasy character but a remarkable character full stop.  A fan video created by Yatta13694

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Amy Pond: Doctor Who

Amy Pond
Doctor Who
Karen Gillan
It took me a while to warm properly to Amy. I liked her well enough, in her first few episodes as she followed the trend of the modern era Doctor Who of having the companions initially be people who weren't quite sure of where their life was heading. She was clearly wanting to have something more exciting to do, than living in such a small place, and working as a kissogram.
She was funny, sure, and clearly quite forthright. She didn't seem to be nervous about showing her attraction to the Doctor, and it provided a few comedic moments particularly in her first episode.
It was the episode with Vincent Van Gogh that I really connected with her, though. Gillan portrayed Amy's confusion over the fact that she was sad, about Rory's loss, even though she didn't remember why, brilliantly. The connection that was developed between her and Van Gogh, the two confused redheads was brilliantly played and written, and the scene in the art gallery was wonderful uploaded by Doctor Who
I liked the fact that Amy is, so far, the first companion to travel alongside her husband, and the Dinosaur on the Spaceship episode showcased all three members of the Pond-Williams family to be seen on screen very well. It showed Amy's forthright nature and the fact that she refused to allow the big game hunter to dismiss her, simply because of her being a young woman.
She remained strong-willed throughout her character arc, but like Rose before her slowly came to realise that she needed to allow others in a bit more. It became clear throughout her tenure as a companion, just how important Rory was in Amy's life, and I loved the fact that the two of them travelled as a married couple. I think that it might be the first time that the series has had a married couple travelling together with the Doctor. The final moment before they decide to jump and remain in the past was incredibly emotionally affecting, both Darvill and Gillan were remarkable in the scene, uploaded by Doctor Who
It's her sarcastic nature and her ability to empathise with people that really won me over, and that's the reason that she is one of my favourite characters.
Fan Videos
Background song: Katy Perry's Roar. created by redhairandbowties1
Background song: The Power of Love created by Annie The Fan Girl

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Urban Legend

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Urban Legend
Starring Alicia Witt, Joshua Jackson, Tara Reid, Jared Leto, Rebecca Gayheart, and Michael Rosenbaum
This horror movie revolves around a group of college students, who are being targeted by a killer in a parka who uses urban legends to kill. Stories like the man with an axe in the backseat, and the dog who is dried in the microwave, are included.
Witt’s Natalie is the hero of the story, it’s her that we really follow, as she tries to solve who is responsible both for the deaths of her friends, and the mystery of what happened on the campus in 1973, when students were murdered. She’s a reasonably likeable character, and I did feel pity for her when her high school friend dies at the beginning of the movie.
It’s a reasonable film, albeit one with generic characters. I mean Witt’s the quiet girl with the dark past. Rosenbaum’s Parker Riley is the party animal. Jackson’s character Damon Brooks is the joker. Leto’s the earnest reporter Paul Gardner. Tara Reid plays the sexually confident radio host Sasha. Rebecca Gayheart’s Brenda is Natalie’s best friend with a crush on Paul. There’s also Danielle Harris’ Tosh, Natalie’s goth roommate, among the college aged characters.
I think the idea of having a killer using urban legends to exact revenge, was kind of a good idea in theory, but wasn’t great in reality, especially the idea to have them wear a parka as their disguise for the majority of the film.
There were a few humorous moments, especially when Damon pretends that his stomach is going to explode from eating popping candy mixed with coke. There are some gross moments, particularly bad for me was the dog in the microwave.

Sunday 28 August 2016

Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park
I love this film, it’s got incredible special effects, and I remember liking the fact that Lex, the elder of John Hammond’s grandchildren is instrumental in saving the survivors in the final few scenes when I was a kid. I was eleven or twelve when the film first came out and was blown away by the special effects, the first time that the dinosaurs are revealed, was just as awe inspiring for me, as it was for the characters. Extraordinary!
My brother had a fascination with dinosaurs, like so many boys developed after the film came out. I can’t quite remember if he liked them first, and then developed a greater fascination after watching the film, but he did have loads of models. Anyway, he had a Triceratops before the film, and I was fascinated by the fact that the filmmakers had somehow managed to make a living and breathing version of the animal onscreen.
I’ve come to realise that Dr Grant’s not exactly the best person to deal with kids, though, the scene with the little boy at the dig shows that he’s incredibly short tempered at the start. How did the kid get to the dig?
There are plenty of impressive stunts, and the special effects still hold up today, a truly remarkable thing seeing as it’s 22 years old. I remember several scenes vividly, despite not having seen it for quite a few years. The scene just before the T-Rex is revealed to have escaped has been parodied quite often throughout the years, with good reason, How did they do this?
The scene with the kids and the raptors in the kitchen have stuck in my mind too. How would you stay calm with raptors so close? I remember being in awe of the kids thinking so clearly in such a dangerous situation, the first time that I watched it.
It was realistic, the reactions of certain characters, I mean you would hope that you would react like Dr Grant or Ian Malcolm if children were in danger, but it’s understandable that the flight mode would click in first.
The warmth that Richard Attenborough brought to the role of John Hammond is one of the reasons that I’m really glad that they didn’t stick rigidly to the book, and let him make it all the way to the end.

All of the performances that I recall were good, but Goldblum’s sarcastic and yet heroic mathematician, Attenborough, and Ariana Richards’ playing Lex were my personal favourites.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Pretty Woman

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Pretty Woman
I doubt that many people have no knowledge at all of this movie, seeing as it was in some ways the start of the nineties fascination with romantic comedies. But just in case you haven’t seen it, the basic plot is that Richard Gere is an uptight executive called Edward, and he happens to Julia Roberts’ character Vivienne, a laid back prostitute while having some car trouble.
She drives him back to his hotel, and through a brief conversation with his lawyer, he invites Vivienne to spend the week with him, posing as his girlfriend for a series of business meetings. The man whose business Edward wants to take over is quite old fashioned, big on family values. Anyway, Vivienne accepts, and the two fall in love over the week.
It’s chock full of funny moments, such as the first shopping scene, when Edward has asked Vivienne to get herself a dress for dinner. The sales assistant on Rodeo Drive isn’t exactly pleasant, in the clip uploaded by digitizellc. Vivienne and her roommate are quite funny together, and I liked the strength that Roberts gave the character. She might be down on her luck, but she won’t let anyone take her for granted, or demean her. It’s a great scene when she stands up to the snobby sales assistant, Uploaded by Dominik Ferenczy
Even though it’s not exactly realistic, I mean that the couple would fall in love over the course of a week, and make it work given their very different backgrounds, it’s a sweet movie, with a lot of sexual chemistry between Roberts and Gere, regardless of how attracted the two actors reportedly were to each other uploaded by MARCOS EC.
The ending has become quite iconic, and I bet some women are still, in their heart of hearts waiting for their Richard Gere to sweep them off their feet. Uploaded by Romantic Scene
In some ways it’s the film that set the blueprint for all the romantic comedies that followed, seeing as there’s a couple who are from different financial situations, or coming at the world in different ways, they aren’t really friends at first, but then grow close over the movie, and learn to respect each other’s point of view. There’s a separation which often in the subsequent romantic comedies is through an argument or some kind of truth being revealed, and then a public gesture of affection at the end which solves everything.

Sunday 14 August 2016

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Avengers: Age of Ultron
Starring Robert Downey Jnr, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, James Spader, Colbie Smulders, Samuel L Jackson, Elizabeth Olsen, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. 
Synopsis: The Avengers reassemble to take on an artificial intelligence called Ultron who has a world destroying agenda.
Most of the things that were so great about the first Avengers movie are still present in this one. Whedon’s swift wit, and character driven moments popping up alongside the remarkable special effects, and well-crafted fight scenes.
It was nice to see another woman joining the Avengers’ roster, Olsen’s Scarlet Witch/ Wanda is someone that I’ve no knowledge of, but she was one of the more memorable characters. I liked the interplay between her and her brother, (Taylor-Johnson) they actually seemed like siblings. It was also a nice scene between her and Renner, when he’s trying to convince her to join the final fight, in the made up country of Sovokia in Eastern Europe, he does all the talking, and she’s silent, it made me laugh.
I really like the character Natasha, she was one of the things I liked the most about the first Avengers movie, and Whedon had given Johansson the opportunity to show elements from Natasha’s past and her softer side in the scenes opposite Ruffalo. Although I liked the idea of seeing other aspects of Natasha’s character, I did feel that the romance element kind of came out of nowhere, I don’t remember there being anything romantic between Natasha and Bruce in the first movie. Admittedly there have been three years between the two films, so there might well have been something in the comic books referencing the advancement of their relationship, that I’m unaware of. I actually thought that the creators of the movies were going to put Captain America and Black Widow together, after seeing them interact in the second Captain America movie, they were very flirtatious for quite a few scenes.
The conflict between Captain American and Iron Man in this one seems to be laying the groundwork for the Civil War that is supposed to be part of the third Captain America movie. Although some of it’s played for laughs, but the scene when Bruce and Tony are preparing to insert Jarvis’s consciousness into the body that Ultron intended for himself, and Steve accompanied by Wanda and her twin try to stop him shows how far their friendship could fracture, given their differing world views.
I was also surprised, just like the rest of the Avengers were, when it was revealed that Barton had a wife and two children, with one more on the way. The character hasn’t had much dialogue admittedly, in his appearances, but it was still a surprise. The interplay between Renner and Cardellini was nice, and they actually had a good chemistry in the few scenes that Cardellini appeared in.
Another surprise was the fact that neither Jane Foster or Pepper Potts made an appearance, even during the scenes featuring Iron Man and Thor’s worst nightmares. They were mentioned during an early party scene but that was it. So if you’re a particular fan of those relationships or characters you will be disappointed.
It’s a fun movie, with a lot of positives, if you like superhero movies like I do, although it wasn’t as good as the first one. Loki, the first movie’s villain was a lot more memorable than Ultron, due to Tom Hiddleston’s performance and chemistry with Hemsworth and Downey Jnr in particular.