Wednesday 21 September 2016

Buffy Anne Summers: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy Summers: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy Anne Summers
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Buffy was a extraordinary character, written to want nothing more or less than everyone wants, just to have a normal high school experience when we first meet her. The emotional strength and selflessness which remains a strong part of her character is glimpsed throughout the first season, and is especially evident in the final episode, when she decides to face the Master. It’s Sarah Michelle Gellar’s delivery of the character, and handling of the scene when Buffy realises what Giles doesn’t want to tell her, which was the definitive moment for me. I admired the character before that, but that moment was when I truly empathized with her.
 She’s never written to be perfect or without negative qualities, which could have been the case in the hands of another writer. She’s obviously very physically strong, athletic, very pretty, with a quick wit and a kind heart, but she’s also just finding her way.
She makes missteps, and gets things wrong, just like we all do. The independence and determination to keep things neatly compartmentalised is what leads to the end of her romantic relationship with Riley. Although Buffy is essentially driven by her emotions, the break up with Angel, and the brief relationship with Parker seemed to make her more reserved, keeping Riley at arms’ length even during her mother’s initial illness.
The amount of things that Buffy was seen to deal with throughout the seven seasons, would have caused most to collapse, and Buffy did have phases when her duty was too much for her, most notably during the first season finale, third season premiere and fifth season finale, but she always picked up the burden. That level of responsibility and selflessness are definitely two traits to be admired.
There are loads of fan videos and fan sites dedicated to Buffy Summers, but this one seems to distill most of the reasons that she was and is a incredible character. Not just a remarkable female, or a fantasy character but a remarkable character full stop.  A fan video created by Yatta13694

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