Thursday 15 June 2017

Spandex and the City by Jenny T Colgan

I've never read any of Colgan's novels before I don't think, but I was drawn to this one because of it's storyline. It's about a normal human woman who lives in a city that is protected by a superhero who possesses extraordinary powers. The two of them develop feelings for each other after he rescues her from a attempted mugging, and try to cope with the realities of pursuing a romantic relationship given their differing abilities, and the pressures of his chosen vocation.

I've watched a lot of superhero based tv shows and movies, and it's a common thread for the extraordinary hero to develop feelings for a human, but I don't think that I've seen it explored in written fiction. I'm sure that there are probably numerous examples in comic books, but I've never read all that many of them.

Colgan delivers a believable heroine in Holly Phillips, who has family issues and work troubles to deal with. I wanted her to be able to have the romance with Ultimate Man, and that her brother would be able to reconnect with her.

It's a relatively fast paced book, but at times can get confusing. I found the motivations of the villain to be a little hard to work out, and so found it hard to care about the stakes in that part. However Colgan has a fun and easy way of description, and a light hand when creating her characters.

If you're a fan of superheroes, and want something light and easy to read then you should give this one a try.

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